Monday, July 27, 2009

Growing up

Well I finally had to bite the bullet and take down the mobile and the bumper pads. Marek is getting so big now and is pulling himself up in his crib. I am sure it was only a matter of days before he figured out that he could use the bumpers and the mobile to get out of his crib. These days Josh and I are doing a lot of chasing, Marek is very fast at crawling now. He is all over the place and seems to gravitate to the least safe thing in the room first. I have already rescued a dime from his mouth and he seems to find things everywhere. I am very excited to be heading back to MN for a week!!!! I can't wait for everyone to see Marek and for him to get some good quality time with family. And even when we get back, Elizabeth is coming to visit to help out while I start my new job. I need extra help because I will be a single mother for 2.5 weeks. I tried it out last week, it was hard, but now too bad. I just didn't think i could do it and start a new job.
Marek is also talking a lot now. He says da da and occasionally ma ma. He doesn't really now what he is saying, but it is still cute. HE does a lot of chattering too. I will try to get pictures up here soon.

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